Saturday, December 27, 2008

Chicagoist: Bla-lego-vich

Chicagoist: Bla-lego-vich

Blgo. gets a Leggo set.... lol

"Parents Just Don't Understand: 12/2" by Susanna Wolff on CollegeHumor

"Parents Just Don't Understand: 12/2" by Susanna Wolff on CollegeHumor: "My dad bought a Wii just a while before Thanksgiving. A few days later my mom asked my brother if he was going to be playing with his 'wii-wii' for the next few hours. He really didn't know whether to correct her or to be mortified.
Danita H, James Madison University"

That would probably have to be my favorite quote... umm ever

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Uughh: 50 Christmas Wii Flip-Outs Make You Hate Nintendo, Holidays, Children, The World

Uughh: 50 Christmas Wii Flip-Outs Make You Hate Nintendo, Holidays, Children, The World

Ummmm wow... kids really like the Wii

Saturday, December 13, 2008

NJ Tech Talk

NJ Tech Talk

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Video: SUV Owner Strikes Back and Tows a Tow Truck

Video: SUV Owner Strikes Back and Tows a Tow Truck: "Video: SUV Owner Strikes Back and Tows a Tow Truck
By Elaine Chow, 12:00 AM on Wed Dec 10 2008, 49,390 views

Standing by while your car gets towed is terrible. This Shangainese Chevy owner used its car's remaining two wheels to counterattack.

Note to Chinese tow companies: either get heavier trucks or remember to take them out of neutral."

Have to admit this isn't something that I would think to do, and I think that I would look very awkward pulling around a pickup truck.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Gizmodo, the Gadget Guide

Gizmodo, the Gadget Guide: "F-18 Crashes In San Diego, Kills Two"

This is just sad. Its amazing how the government would let a plane that they know might malfunction fly over a full packed neighborhood. Isn't area 51 for stuff like this. Come on Mr. President. Get on top of stuff like this. And people wonder why we don't like Bush.